Wednesday 2 October 2013


Earlier this week, I took some time to chat to quite an ambitious and passionate Mr. Lwazi AnglerTom a.k.a Beatsfeelpain and oh my, did he a quite a bit to say.

Hey heeey... SoOo could u tell us more about who you are

Okay, aside from the obvious which is that I am an artist/ musician I am born again, I am originally from Mthatha and I am currently living here. I run a business of my own called Eqongeni advertising solutions I go by the name BeatsFeelPain right now... I must be honest I change my names frequently enough, I probably have the Diddy syndrome lol feel free as well to direct me to the kinds of answers or information that you looking for

Lol wow, you sure don't hold back hey... So basically your stage name is BeatsFeelPain and the real one is..?

Real name is Lwazi Tom. Beatsfeelpain is a South African recording artist, producer and business entrepreneur who started his rapping career in 2003 and became popular for making songs that were always profound and discussed the most challenging concepts that elude many. Beatsfeelpain formerly known as Iznut used to write about things that did not specifically bring glory to God but after a strong conviction that led to him giving his life to Christ he now writes songs of worship only. Beatsfeelpain has reached a few notable milestones while working with two brothers that he met in the faith and became friends with. Beatsfeelpain and his friends known as Vocal Tactic and Sir-J started a crew called sanctified flow which was christened this name by their youth pastor Kurt Hutton (Senior Ps Robert Jerkins). They released a EP titled SANCTIFIED produced by a few household names in the faith like PRO CHRIST, SIYA THE 13th Disciple and vocal Tactic, this brought a healthy amount of attention their way leading to huge airplay on stations like Link FM and UCR FM, Tru FM and ultimately Mhlobo Wenene FM. Sanctifiedflow interviewed and performed at all these radio stations. Sanctifiedflow made its first debut appearance on the national hip hop magazine called HYPE Lwazi Tom Studied internal auditing at Walter Sisulu University and worked briefly in the telecommunications sector as a customer service representative and as a Team Leader at virgin media under AEGIS BPO holdings in Sandton scripture, pray, and eat together as we keep each other strong in finding meaning and purpose; and staying out of the troubles of teen pressures such as substance abuse, chasing the opposite sex before Johannesburg. He now owns his small business.

Oh wow, that is interesting hey and quite motivating.. So where is Sanctified Flow today?

Sanctifiedflow pretty much formulates every time we as the brothers meet up again, but as can be cited above , because we are in different cities it is hard to do anything consistent and sustainable. We all work now. Grown men 

haha I hear you hey... so what would u say was the reason you changed from the songs you used to write in the beginning to worship songs?

Well to be honest when I think of everything that God has saved me from and what he has done for me I just cannot write about anything else either than that and the amazing compassion that he has shown me and not just me but the world and so I write with the hope that someone out there will catch on to this love and run with it because truly it’s amazing it’s also a thing about a true sense of purpose. Importantly there is a lot more to music than just the surface which is for the sake of enjoyment. It’s a lot deeper than that.

uplifting stuff hey… And about your business, what's that all about?

@ell I do a number of things... I work closely with a local radio station here and I do adverts for them, different kinds, client ads and station jingles. I am also quite an extra ordinary artist (praise God) and so I do some graphic related work like designing logos, posters etc. I also on occasion do a bit of photography but strictly in corporate functions 

haha wooow, I shoulda juss asked what don't you do hey... u really seem to be gifted with everything nhe... and where else can people get a hold of you?

There is my artist page Beatsfeelpain where they can make contact with me or otherwise my facebook page Lwazi Angler Tom

No twitter handle maybe?

I do have one just not big on it @angler_BFP is my handle

Thank you for sharing a bit more about yourself and your business ventures with us hey 

Beatsfeelpain: Absolutely you most welcome... it has been a great pleasure talking to you 

Get Beatsfeelpain music on:

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